Customer Review: Dr Alain Tavildari, Cardiologist, Axium Clinic

Dr Alain Tavildari, Cardiologist, Axium Clinic used CaRi-Heart® Analysis to understand his patient René’s cardiovascular risk levels and impact of the treatment prescribed over 4 years.
Watch the video to learn how CaRi-Heart® Analysis helped him measure and monitor the patient’s response to treatment.
CaRi-Heart technology is Caristo’s flagship offering which aids coronary artery disease diagnosis with improved risk prediction. It applies advanced AI algorithms to routine cardiac CT scans to visualize and quantify coronary inflammation, which is the previously invisible root cause of the disease. Each patient’s CaRi-Heart Report includes several clinical results:
- the patient specific Fat Attenuation Index (FAI), a novel and patented biomarker for the measurement of coronary inflammation, which indicates the patient’s risk in % relative to a matched peer group;
- CaRi-Heart Risk, which assesses the absolute 8-year risk of a fatal heart attack (based on both coronary inflammation status and standard clinical risks factors); and
- coronary plaque-specific characterization and quantification.
The CaRi-Heart Analysis is supported by the CaRi-Heart software, which is cloud-based and agnostic to the type of scanner generating the routine cardiac CT images. The CaRi-Heart technology is CE Mark certified under the latest EU MDR with UKCA marking being received in September 2022.